Princessa Mia's Land

Assalammualaikum . Welcome to My-Onl-Diary . Keep following me & I'll give you more & more love . KamsaHamiDa . Love me now, love me then, love me forever, until the end.

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jUSCO time (:

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger
Just me, myself and IWhat doesn't kill you makes you strongerStand a little tallerDoesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm aloneThanks to you I got a new thing startedThanks to you I'm not the broken-heartedThanks to you I'm finally thinking about meYou know in the end the day you left was just my beginningIn the end .

Assalammualaikum (:

25 . 02 . 2012 . First time hangout dengan kawan sekolah . Actually , Mia da plan benda nihh lama dah kot . Tapi , selalu terpaksa cancel . Until last night , lebih kurang jam 11 : 30 am . I got a message from Afifa . She asking me about jUCSO . Nothing I can told her beside " babe , sorry ! I can't go " . Ohmayyy , akhirnyaa Mia dapat jugak meets Hajar , Nadhirah , Izyyan && Afifa dekat jUSCO . Thanks to Afifa sebab tukar plan last minute semalam . Kami terus pergi cinema . Ohh yes yes . Taknak story apa-apa pasal cinema . Something gone bad when Adnan Sempit have been transform being Mia Semput . HAHAHAHA . Babeng lahhh salah tempat duduk . Terus tarik adik Mia keluar dari situu . Buda-buda tak berjenis tuhh pulakkk BOOOOO sama Mia right ? Huh .

Then , agak sakit telinga bila dengar bunyi-bunyi " tikus " from mamat-mamat kat sana . Alahh , small matter ja . Banyak kali dah kena camtuhh . Agak memalukan bila orang tengok && senyum kat Mia . Tapi Mia buad dunno ++ muka serr kat dowang . Ohhh , I'm sorryyy . Tak tahu lak pulak korunk kenal Mia doe . Patutlahhh korunk buad bunyi " tikus  " bagai tuhhh . Sebab takut nak tegur Mia . Serrrrrrr (:

I away to Dinotrek when I had been " shuhhh " from cinema . Abang-abang volunteer dalam tuhh siap tanya soalan mengalahkan reporter bagai . They said I am too " pendek " for my ages . Err . Hellooo its normal for a teenagers like me . Short is beautiful && I hate being too matured . When I get boring . Mia pusing-pusing satu jUSCO . I meets mostly of HOT girls & boys in facebook . Should I list their names here ? Ohhh , nevermind if them look pretty in facebook than in real . Thats the power of edited pics . I do it too (Y)

Bila keluar dengan parent orang tak berani nak tegur . Apatah lagi bunyi tikus tuhh . But , bila keluar sendiri I know that I have an admires outside there . I need to be more socialis than before . Don't be like " katak dibawah tempurung " anymore . Or not , until I died I wont be a perfect " teenager " like them . Stop being " anak mak " . I'm eighteen not eight years old kid . I thankful to Allah swt because I am a single ladies . From now on , I decides to be Single && I can enjoy my life greatly .

Believes in yourself & there was nothing to fear - the cat returns -